I. General Provisions

International Children’s Pictures Biennale held with aim to support of children’s art, and promote mutual understanding and international communication of Uzbek children with their peers from around the world, discovering new talents, creating additional conditions for improving the skills of young art fans as well as for the development of the intellectual level of children of preschool and school age, increasing their interest in national and world history and culture, an expanding ideas about them.

Organizers of the International Children’s Pictures Biennale: Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with state organizations, diplomatic missions of foreign countries and representative offices of international organizations.

Exhibition halls of Biennale are: Central Exhibition Hall, International Caravanserai of Culture of Ikuo Hirayama, Tashkent House of Photography and other exhibition halls.

5 – 15 years old preschool, school age children including, pupils of specialized boarding schools for children with disabilities and orphanages are eligible to participate in Biennale.

No work can be returned to the applicant. All rights to entry pictures will belong to the host organization. In some cases, children’s artworks can be used for activities and events promoting children’s art education and international exchange etc.

Biennale has an emblem which be used in printings, souvenir production, at different events according to the country legislation.

Themes of Biennale are «The World of childhood», «My Motherland», «The World in which I live», «My dream», «Uzbekistan that I know».

There is no entry fee.

A Special Board of Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan carries out general coordination activity of various departments and organizations involved in organizing International Children’s Pictures Biennale.

The organization of International Biennale consists 3 stages:

1st stage – sending promotional materials to domestic and foreign organizations and agencies concerned.

2nd stage – delivery of works and their sorting.

3rd stage – organizing Biennale, summing up the results, the determination of the winners, issuing Biennale catalogue.

II. Jury

A special jury consisting of the well-known artists, art critics and experts in the field of children’s creativity, teachers of art schools, foreign citizens and intellectuals, summarizes the results of contest.

Various governmental and non-governmental organizations, representatives of international organizations established prizes and awards in the nominations “The best reflection of the theme”, “For professional skill”, “For creative imagination” and other areas.

III. Prizes

The highest award of Biennale is Grand-Prix will be awarded to one participant with the diploma.

The reward is:

Gold Medal with Diploma                                                               – 7

Silver Medal with Diploma                                                              – 7 

Bronze Medal with Diploma                                                            – 7

Commemorative medals                                                                            – 50

All participants of International Children’s Pictures Biennale will receive certificates of IX International Children’s Pictures Biennale “Joy of Tashkent”.

The various state and none state organizations, representative offices of the international organizations found incentive prizes and awards on nominations «For the best reflection of theme», «For professional skill», «For creative imagination» and other.

Educational institutions, art circles that students who have won the greatest number of prizes will be awarded with Special diplomas as well.

Educational institutions, art circles which pupils have won the greatest quantity of prize-winning places Special diplomas will note also.

The Organizing Committee’s address:

IX International Children’s Pictures Biennale

“Joy of Tashkent”

100031, Tashkent, Yusuf Hos Hojib str., 37 A

Tel/Fax: +99871 252-30-88

E-mail: fusmanov@hotmail.comWeb site:,