In modern Uzbekistan, there is an increase in
the social activity of all members of civil society everywhere, expressed in a
conscious desire to participate in resolving issues, managed by
government. The development of civil activity is an objective
process accompanying the democratization of the economic, legal and
social fields of human activity. These processes are
characteristic of New Uzbekistan.
As annual public opinion surveys show, a distinctive feature of civil
society as perceived by respondents is the ability of citizens to realize their
aspirations to participate actively in the public life of the country, in
dealing with issues of public concern, ensuring public scrutiny of
state and local government decision-making, affecting the public interest.
As democratic forms of social governance are mastered, the number of actors
shaping both social and political decisions increases. As a result, the
relationship between the state and society evolves from a monologue to a
dialogue, in which the participants are government agencies, the media,
civil society institutions and active citizens.
The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his
fundamental book “Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan” emphasizes
a radical change in the paradigm of the country’s social and state
development: organizing the activities of the government on the basis of a
new principle: “man – society – state” The efforts of the
Head of State to involve civil institutions in the systematic study of the
problems of the population and the introduction of modern mechanisms for
interaction between civil institutions and state bodies are strongly
supported by the inhabitants of the country.
The main legal basis for citizens’ participation in political life is the
Constitution. For example, Chapter 8, “Political rights”,
Article 32 (Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan) states
that citizens shall have the right to participate in
the management and administration of public and state affairs, both
directly and through representation. They may exercise this right by way
of self-government, referendums and democratic formation of state bodies.
In Article 34 is fixed, that
“…citizens shall have the right to form trade unions,
political parties and other public associations, and to participate in mass
According to Article 35, everyone shall have the right, both individually
and collectively, to submit applications and proposals, and to lodge
complaints with competent state bodies, institutions and public
representatives. This trend stems from the State’s intention to engage the
public in a constructive dialogue and to address not only local but also
national issues. For this to happen, the public must have wide access to
the process of governing the state and be able to freely discuss issues of
general social importance.
In addition, the legal basis for the participation of citizens in the political
life of the country is regulated in more than 200 legislative acts. These
include the laws “On Public Associations”, “On non-governmental
non-profit organizations”, “On guarantees of the activities of
non-governmental non-profit organizations”, “On charity”, “On
social partnership” which constitute a unified system of support
for NGOs and the development of civil society.
Ensuring the active participation of citizens in the discussion of political
and social issues is also provided for in the Development Strategy of New
Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. The Strategy, under the first priority area
“Building a people’s state by elevating human dignity and furtherance
a free civil society”, defines as the 11th objective the improvement
of mechanisms for dialogue with the people, which requires further improvement
of mechanisms for open dialogue with the people and the expansion of public opinion
in important decision-making practices. And also, the establishment of
“Digital control” over the timing and quality of consideration of appeals,
ensuring prompt and high-quality consideration of appeals that directly affect
the daily life of the people, effective organization of the activities of the
Civic Chamber, establishing its cooperation with civil society institutions,
actively involving in the process of determining solutions problems of concern
to the people.
An analysis of these measures indicates that the main bias in determining the
content of the National Program “Humane State”, which provides for the
implementation of the idea “The state should serve the people”, implies
the expansion of the participation of the people, citizens in public
administration, the creation of all-round and favorable conditions for the
people to express their desires, needs and aspirations, the formation of a
unified approach for a convenient and simple, understandable to everyone,
mechanism for dialogue between the state and society.
In ensuring the active participation of citizens in the discussion of the most
important and topical issues of the political and social life of the country,
the state pays special attention to the creation of effective and efficient
tools for such civil participation.
In this regard, particular mention should be made of
President Mirziyoyev’s decisions over the past five years, which have
established specific instruments to ensure a new democratic model of
interaction between the state, society and citizens.
Such tools include the following.
Firstly, the Virtual Reception of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, it includes modern interactive mechanisms tested in the
practice of developed democratic countries for considering citizens’
appeals. The Virtual Reception is one of the most reliable
channels for involving citizens in the discussion process, including political
and social issues. Subsequent practice of the functioning of
this democratic institution has clearly demonstrated its effectiveness and,
most importantly, its efficiency and timeliness in addressing pressing issues
of political and social life in the republic. This tool has established
itself as an open source, allowing civil society institutions and all citizens
of the country to establish a «bridge» of direct and immediate communication
with the authorities.
Secondly, People’s Reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
– this tool, particularly effective in regions with low levels of
Internet access, helps citizens to be actively involved in the discussion
of important socio-political issues and to put forward their initiatives to
address political and social issues.
Thirdly, the Public Chamber under the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, which can become the most active platform for a comprehensive
and constructive dialogue between the state, citizens and civil society
institutions. The objectives of this chamber are:
– accelerating the country’s development process by facilitating a
systematic and effective dialogue between the state, citizens and civil
– stimulating interaction of citizens, civil society institutions with the
state in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
– increasing the effectiveness of public scrutiny of draft normative
legal acts in various socio-economic spheres of public life and holding
consultations and public hearings on them and then, using feedback from
society, implementing reforms based on the trust and support of citizens.
Institutions of social partnership should be recognized as a tool to
ensure the active participation of citizens in the political life of the
country and the effective interaction of state bodies with citizens in the
design and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the
country. As an example of successful implementation of projects of
social partnership, we can mention such programs
as “Obod Qishloq” and “Obod Mahalla”, “Every family
entrepreneur”, within the framework of which the active participation of
citizens in solving topical and everyday political and social issues was
Modern tools that ensure active citizen participation in political and social
debates, created using the capabilities of the World Wide Web, include the
Special web portal “Mening fikrim”
(, intended for the citizens of the country to introduce
initiatives on various issues of the socio-economic and socio-political life of
the country, in the form of collective appeals (petitions), subject, in case of
obtaining the required number of support votes, to consideration by the
parliament – the Oliy Majlis or local representative bodies of
Uzbekistan – Council of People’s Deputies. Since the launch of
the portal, a total of 5,779 collective appeals and 28,497
comments have been received. Public initiatives such as setting of
time-lapse lights, allowing tinting for private vehicles, preventing animal
abuse, establishing the Shakhrisabz branch of Qarshi State
University, the lifting of the requirement of a power of attorney to drive
a vehicle for close relatives and others were satisfied through decisions of
the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis., a platform for public and expert discussion of draft
laws. At the end of September 2022, 15,292 draft normative legal
acts were placed in the system. From January 1 to September 29 of
2022, 88 draft laws were posted on the platform. Many of them
received comments with suggestions for change, which were taken into account by
the drafters of the bills. For example, proposals for a clearer
definition of “social problem” and “social support” were
made to the draft law “On Social Work”, as well as proposals for
a draft “Entrepreneurship Code”, to the draft law of the
Republic of Uzbekistan “On Amendments and Additions to the Customs
Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, to the draft laws “On
Sponsorship”, “On Amendments and Additions to the Criminal Code and the Code of
Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and others.
Unified electronic system, according to
which, firstly, the coordination of the developed draft normative legal
acts between all ministries and departments is carried out; secondly,
their public discussion; thirdly, openness and publicity of the process of
formation and approval of these acts is ensured.
Of particular note is the active interaction between state and society that we
have observed in the framework of Uzbekistan’s ongoing constitutional
reforms. During the initial phase, between 20 May and 24 June, more
than 62,000 proposals were received from citizens. In
the nationwide discussion of the draft Constitutional Law of the Republic
of Uzbekistan “On amendments and addenda to the Constitution of the Republic
of Uzbekistan” in total received more than 150,000 proposals through
the call center, during the reception of citizens, through the specially
created platform «», as well as through traditional ways
of appeal of citizens and collectives. These figures are 25
times higher than those that were during the national discussion in
1992. 56 per cent of these proposals were made by men, 40
per cent by women and 4 per cent anonymously. Proposals sent by
compatriots abroad were also taken into account and, after a detailed
discussion with the participation of the scientific community, were submitted
to the Constitutional Commission. For the first time in the history of
independent Uzbekistan, social, gender, anti-corruption, linguistic, child
rights, human rights and other expertise have been carried out, and official
comments and proposals on the draft constitutional law have been submitted to
the Department of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights. In this context, it is necessary to highlight the extremely useful
and significant activities of journalists and bloggers to make the draft
Constitutional Law widely known to the people, to organize wide public
discussion of each article in the mass media, on internet and social
networks, to study citizens’ opinions, to ensure strong links between different
segments of the people and the Constitutional Commission.
Openness procedures and accessibility of the law-making activity of the
Parliament of Uzbekistan are being improved. On the basis of the priority principle
– «the only source and author of the law should be the people» – new democratic
procedures have been introduced into lawmaking, which did not exist
before. The practice of introducing preambles that reveal the essence and
meaning, as well as the relevance of public relations regulated by law, has
been introduced. Experts and specialists, together with the initiators of
the draft law, actively participate in the discussion of it, and all
opportunities are created for them to express their views. MPs are
striving to make the work of parliament more open and transparent. They
are in constant contact with their constituents, answering their questions not
only during the monthly field visits, but also through communication
through social networks. Feedback from MPs and citizens allows them
to respond promptly to comments that affect the interests of the
people. Sessions of the Legislative Chamber are covered online, and with
the possibility of expressing one’s opinion during the broadcast, this also
allows a closer look at the study and discussion of issues of concern to
Information about the reforms taking place in the country, the nature and
significance of the laws adopted is quickly disseminated not only in the
media, but also in social networks. As an example, we can refer to
the discussion process on speed reductions that is taking place in Tashkent
these days. The speed limit for motor vehicles is currently 70
km/h. The Department of road traffic safety of Tashkent
Department of Internal Affairs has put forward a proposal to reduce the
speed limit to 60 km/h. During the discussion of this issue in
the Council of People’s Deputies, it was suggested that the
issue of speed reduction alone without a comprehensive approach that includes
the need to improve the culture of road users, to strictly enforce
their responsibility, the quality of the means of recording the
permissible speed and fixing violations, improvement of road
infrastructure, including the general system of traffic interchanges and road
communications, will not lead to quick and tangible results. However,
the ensuing wide public debate on the issue on
social networks has led to the fact that most active citizens (though
not absolute) bloggers and other media representatives agree on the need
to reduce the speed of traffic in the capital. These measures are
introduced to prevent and reduce fatal accidents and to fully ensure road
safety. Thus, as a result of taking public opinion into account, it was
decided to reconsider the issue of reducing the speed, which had been
introduced by the Council Standing Committee on Industry, Transport,
Construction and Communal Services, at the next session of the City
Council of People’s Deputies. It is now planned to reduce the speed to 50 km/h
on several streets in the center of Tashkent.
The introduction of effective mechanisms and tools for the participation of
citizens in the discussion of political and socially significant issues
contributes to an increase in the level of mutual trust between
the state and society, to improving the quality of decisions
taken by public authorities, increasing the participation of citizens in
ensuring their fair implementation, including through efficient and valid
public scrutiny.
Head of the Department of the Legislation and
Parliamentary Research Institute
under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan